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Wallet Community Design Kickoff

Its a big week for GondekEDC and I want to keep things exciting by kicking off my community designed wallet, currently named The Minimalist. Below are some pictures of the first 3D printed prototype and an explanation of the features.

There is still a lot of work to be done to finalize the design but I like this as a starting point. I want to start to get the community involved to help shape the design as it progresses. Below are the main items I am working on now.

  • The elastic band needs a lot of work. Current is just a piece I had lying around I sewed together to make a loop.

  • I love the idea of having the ability to add a clip but I want to make the cards more secure if the wallet isn't in a pocket.

Since this is a little bit of an experiment, I am open to different ideas of how to do this and design modifications. My plan right now is to work through a few of these items, continue to provide updates and try to focus the community aspect on a few topics at a time. Comment here, on my Instagram page, or email me ( with your feedback and suggestions. I am pumped for this project and hope to have it really for purchase before the holidays.

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