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Time For the Next EDC Project

As we are still working on the first production run of the Director, we always want to be moving forward to new designs and products. I have always made gear I personally like and for this new project, I will try and solve a problem I have.

Many of you know my love for the Benchmade bugout. I love the knife so much it was the backbone of the Traveler so I could carry something similar when I was traveling. Since that time, like many of you, I have grown into using my pry bar for so many different things. It truly is a huge part of my EDC and an item I can't live without. Because of that, I carry it along with a knife and a flashlight at home. Of course, I add additional items when I leave the house (hank, wallet, keys, etc), but I like to keep it as minimal as possible at home. This led to my do I combine the Traveler and the Bugout into one multi-functional tool.

I would love the ability to carry a fully functional pry tool and a knife in one package. This got me thinking about what I would really need in such a tool:

  • Fully function pry

  • Bottle opener

  • Knife large enough that could be used for small food prep (~3")

  • Simple design that could be easily cleaned

  • Deep pocket clip (duh)

  • Ability to swim with it with low risk to corrosion and impacting functionality

  • Lightweight and compact (~4" closed length)

Looking around I couldn't find anything that fits that need so of course I need to make it myself! I have really got my gears spinning on this one trying to put all these pieces together. At the end of the day this piece should be a great carry-around-the-house item that fills the need of a full-sized knife and pry. There are a few designs in the works that basically look like a Frankenstein of a drop point knife and a Traveler end. What I am working on now is how do I want to put the pieces together. Does it become a folding knife? A fixed blade with a sheath that becomes a handle? Some sort of OTF? Not really sure at this point and more work is required. I do lean away from the folding knife as I don't what the prying force to be concentrated on brass bushings. This is one of the reasons I didn't put a pry on the Director.

Here is a very rough initial idea but still lots and lots of work left. As always, let me know what you think or if you have any suggestions.

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