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Can't Stop Wont Stop...EDC Designing

Once I get the creative juices flowing on new designs it is always difficult for it to stop. Been pondering a few new product ideas and I started working on this one in more detail.

It would be hard not to notice how pronounced knucks have become for those who follow the trends in the EDC world. For those who don't know what a knuck is it is basically a partial version of a brass knuckle. Usually looks like a bulky ring with some extra material for support. Below is an example of what you might find.

From a product standpoint, this is right up GondekEDC's wheelhouse. Single-piece metal products with cool designs are what we do best. While this is the case, we have not pursued making one due to it being a weapon. There is nothing wrong with them, or carrying them, but we as a company didn't want to make something that's one and the only purpose was self-defense.

Last week I received a knuck from a friend who I helped steer in the right direction on software, printers, and design for manufacturing. This was my first time holding a knuck and getting to play with one. Honestly, it was super fidgety and fun to play with. I really have enjoyed carrying it off and on and it started to convince me to make one ourselves. This conflicted with how I felt about making something that is purely a weapon though. There has got to be a better way!

I do a lot of my initial design in my head. While kind of weird I start to form what I want before it is put on paper. Honestly, I rarely use paper and just go straight to CAD but I like to have the right idea first. I knew I wanted to make a new tool that if all else failed could be used as a knuck. I didn't want it to look like one but also didn't want the self-defense aspect to be an afterthought. On a drive home from work, I thought of what I wanted. Basically, an I-beam-looking object that was pry in the front. Let's be honest, if I am going to carry something it's got to be a pry haha.

Went back and forth on a few options and basically came up with what looks like a chisel. It's a pry on the front, has a thick back that could function as a chisel, but is still contoured for your hands. Below are some images of where the design stands as I am writing this.

From the design, I think it checks the boxes I was trying to accomplish. Of course, I had to add pocket clip holes and a bottle opener too. This is still a work in progress and could either get completely changed or canceled for many different reasons. I wanted to share though as this design blog is the best way for me to share the thoughts that go into our products. Let me know what you think and thanks for reading.

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